Digital Download Only

(extended version)

Other songs available as well.

In 2013 I released a solo trans-tonal (microtonal) pop album entitled EMBRACE IT ALL.

Some of the songs date back to 1997 but most were done during the timeframe of 2012 to 2014.   Some very new sounds are blended with some very old formats in an attempt to bring together the ancient past with the distant future.  The album was the result of 25 years of exploration into the vast realm of Transcendent Tonality, i.e. the embrace of the entire microtonal universe and the practice of freely employing any of its infinite number of tuning systems.  The purpose of this album was to gently introduce the general listener to new tonal relationships in a way that is culturally and stylistically relevant to the basic population.  I am saving the “way out” stuff for other projects.  The album is available on itunes by clicking the artwork above, and also at cdbaby where you can hear a sample of each song;

Live performance on 31 tone baritone guitar 
at Kulak’s Woodshed 12/2014
I released an album of ambient microtonal music a couple years back. Go to:

Soundtrack available on Lakeshore Records